The Libertarian Party has served as the single-most principled political organization defending civil liberties and advocating for a smaller, less intrusive government, but we can’t do it without your support! Your membership will help build a stronger, more effective Libertarian Party.
El Dorado County & California
The Libertarian Party of El Doardo County is chartered by the Libertarian Party of California. Membership to the state party automatically gives you membership to the county party. Your dues helps support our grass roots efforts to spread the cause of liberty. Join the Libertarian Party of California and El Dorado County today.
Register to Vote
Your Libertarian voter registration helps officially build our ranks. In order to serve offically on a Libertarian Party committee you need to be both a dues paying member and a Libertarian registered voter. Register to vote as a Libertarian today.
We encourage our members to also join the National Libertarian party. Your separate national dues helps fund our national conventions, ballot access and our national campaigns for liberty. Support the cause of liberty by joining the Libertarian Party today.